Morgaine Grey is an award winning leather craftswoman based in Sydney. She draws inspiration from her love of history and the Australian bush to create a wide range of products from delicate jewellery to heavy armour. She believes you can learn from and use techniques from many different crafts to create objects that are both art and functional. Be sure to check out her colourful belts, hand carved books, bags, homewares and accessories.
Morgaine grew up in a national park turning her hand at many different crafts, making her own toys and trying to survive or befriend the Australian wildlife.
Studying biological sciences at uni, she discovered a group of medieval re-enactors that welcomed new crafters and even taught them new crafts, like leatherwork!
After two degrees and a boring attempt at a science career she started selling, demonstrating and making in leather full-time. Fae Morgaine Leatherwork was registered as a business 2016, but Morgaine has been crafting and creating for many years before that and hopefully for many more!
While she is told to stick to one craft- as that is all will fit into a tiny Sydney apartment- she likes to draw on many techniques and ideas in her work.
This has resulting in a wide and eclectic range of products that we hope you will enjoy!